Desert Reckoning: A Town Sheriff, a Mojave Hermit, and the Biggest Manhunt in Modern California History
The Lost Children of the Inland Empire
Mustang: The Saga of the Wild Horse in the American West
Chapter 1: The Horses Return
Twentynine Palms, Prologue: Prelude to a Kill
Blood Brothers: The Story of the Strange Friendship Between Sitting Bull and Buffalo Bill
Sitting Bull, Buffalo Bill and the Battle for Standing Rock
Tucson, Ten Years After
Journal of the Plague Years, January 7, 2021
Is America Going Down Like Custer?
Public Seminar, September 20, 2020
America Is Grounded and the Birds Are Coming Back
The Independent, April 24, 2020
How I Almost Had Dinner with Dave Letterman and Walked Away
Los Angeles Review of Books, December 24, 2019
Everyone Who Blurbs My Books Dies
Los Angeles Review of Books, November 27, 2019
Winchester Cathedral: On Cowboys, Indians, Guns, and the American Condition
PowellsBooks.Blog, October 25, 2017
An Open Letter to Dr. Walter Palmer, Dentist, Hunter
Los Angeles Review of Books, August 19, 2015
Cougar Town: Of P-22, Maggie the Cat and, Room at the Inn
Los Angeles Review of Books, April 18, 2015
Winchester Cathedral
Los Angeles Review of Books, March 17, 2015
Echo of Thunder: Earthquakes Swarm and Another Wild Horse Herd Is Disappeared
Los Angeles Review of Books, November 19, 2014
Some Dance to Remember, Some Dance to Forget: A Few Thoughts on Iraq, "Hotel California," and Coming Home
Los Angeles Review of Books, August 23, 2014
Why I Write What I Write
Kirkus Reviews, March 28, 2013
The Last City I Loved: Los Angeles (Or How I Traveled the NY-LA Fault Line and Got Home)
The Rumpus, March 10, 2013
Does God Go on Manhunts?
PowellsBooks.blog, June 28, 2012
Letter from the West
truthdig columns, 2010-12
El Palacio Magazine, winter 2009
A Christmas Elegy for Bugz the Wild Horse, 1998-2009
laobserved blog, December 21, 2009
A Few Thoughts on Ft. Hood, Major Malik Hasan, and Business Cards
laobserved blog, November 17, 2009
Barack Obama, Yom Kippur, Chief Plenty Coups, and Wild Horses
huffingtonpost blog, September 28, 2009
review of The National Parks: America's Best Idea by Dayton Duncan and Ken Burns
LA Times, September 25, 2009
review of Operation Bite Back by Dean Kuipers
LA Times, June 28, 2009
A Cowboy Nation Destroys the Horse It Rode in On
essay on powells.com, May 31, 2009
Memorial Day Prayer for Charlie and Buffalo Bill
laobserved blog, May 24, 2009
review of The Lonely Soldier by Helen Benedict
LA Times, May 13, 2009
Guardians of Joshua Tree
Mother Nature Network, March 24, 2009
Tony Hillerman, Reclaimed
laobserved blog, October 26, 2008
Rocks in the Shape of Billy Martin Revisited
laobserved, September 21, 2008
The Wild Horse is Us Interview
Newsweek, July 1, 2008
Wild Horses Aren't Free
LA Times, June 2, 2008
Back in the Saddle, regarding a visit to the Crazy Horse Memorial in South Dakota
Forward, May 29, 2008
The Other Side of Los Angeles
LA City Beat, February 7, 2008
Billy Martin, Joe Torre, and the Desert
laobserved blog, October 31, 2007
The Last Burros of the Mojave Desert: A Christmas Story that Needs a Happy Ending
huffingtonpost, December 24, 2006
Let's Mend the Broken Trail: July 4th Call for a Moratorium on Wild Horse Round-ups Following Recent Deaths
huffingtonpost, July 3, 2006
Mustang Sallies
slate, February 16, 2005
Symbol of the West Being Spurred Towards Oblivion
LA Times, June 1, 2004
Rocks in the Shape of Billy Martin
Village Voice, April 22, 2003
Manuscript Rescued
by Desert Angels from Freak Storm
Or how I came to write Twentynine Palms,
commit literary murder, and almost dash a decade’s work on an LA
boulevard. An essay originally published on booksense.com, March 28,
No Escape
Twentynine Palms had called me many times and in many ways. Now, try
as I might to escape the tale of Amanda Lee Scott and Rosalie Ortega
and what happened to them in the desert, I could not. Originally
published in the Los Angeles Times Magazine,
April 7, 2001.
The Real Gidget essay from Surf Culture: The Art History of Surfing
Hell's Author
salon, July 10, 2000
Trail of Dreams
My infatuation with the Pacific Coast Highway. An essay that appeared
in the Los Angeles Times Magazine, Aug. 9, 1998.
Arafat’s Blood
Pondering the meaning of the old warrior donating his blood in Gaza
City on September 12, 2001. Who would want it? Who, near death,
would not? How many buckets of blood has Yassir Arafat himself
spilled? From Rolling Stone’s
commemorative 9/11 issue, published Oct. 25, 2001.
Onward, Christian Soldiers
A Nation essay exploring the strange and possibly pre-destined tango
between evangelical Christians and Jews. Published June 3, 2002.